tarot doula

rebirth your ♡ self

“Her channel is so strikingly clear - the session immediately opened and clarified my own channel in a way that felt deeply calm, safe, and warm”.


recorded readings

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“Better than therapy”

Feel seen, heard & understood

Get mind blowing insights

Discover a seismic shift in perspective

Experience goose bumps & ah-ha moments

Receive clear next steps


A 90 day journey to get your power back

why “tarot doula”?

You might have heard the word “doula” in relation to giving birth but really, all the word means is someone who witnesses and guides a person as they go through a challenging transition in their life.

Tarot for transformation

As you navigate the rocky terrain of a spiritual awakening, the cards are a powerful ally, non-judgmental witness and wise counselor. They point you toward next steps, reflect your greatness back to you when you forget and provide much-needed clarity. They can be daily, weekly or monthly medicine as you attempt to become an awakened human, one step at a time.

tarot services for women

As a former birth doula, a mom and a woman who has miscarried, I also do many readings for women who are pregnant with babies, are trying to make babies, have lost babies or are parenting babies (and kids!) Just as a birth doula can’t give birth for you, me and my cards can’t make decisions for you but we can offer you ways to find new wisdom and to trust the wisdom you already have. I create a safe space for you to feel your feels, listen to your gut and blow your own mind.

You arrive trusting the cards.

you leave trusting yourself.

That’s tarot doula magic.

woman walking through woods in yellow shirt holding the hand of another.

LATEST ON THE BLOG: want powerful support navigating a big shift in your life?

if you’re journeying with the strong feelings that a life transition brings and would like to feel guided by tarot in a groundbreaking way, this is for you.


What are clients saying?

“Laura’s reading gave me the redirection I deeply needed, not only in a time of transition, but for my life path. Following the guidance I received resulted - I believe - in my winning a year-long national fellowship in my creative field, something I never imagined.”


“Laura’s reading rocked my world — I left with much inner wisdom awakened and still more to be revealed as I digest.”

— Shulin

the answers are already within you.

tarot is just here to help.